Tag: tips

Get system uptime

We all have our own ways of finding a servers / computers uptime.
But I thought I’d share my favorite way:


function Get-SrvUptime
$operatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem

No more download 1 GB Test files

Tired of looking on the web for a big test file, or creating your own locally?
Then this is perfect for you too 🙂
Open CMD in administrator mode
Run the following command:
fsutil file createnew <file> <size in bytes>
F.eks this will create a 10 GB file in my tmp folder:
fsutil file createnew c:\tmp\10gb.test 10737418240
The key is to input the size of the file in bytes so here are some common file sizes to save you from math:
1 MB = 1048576 bytes
100 MB = 104857600 bytes
1 GB = 1073741824 bytes
10 GB = 10737418240 bytes
100 GB =107374182400 bytes
1 TB = 1099511627776 bytes
10 TB =10995116277760 bytes