Tag: active directory
Add Azure CentOs server to Domain
Joining a Linux machine to a Windows domain is not straight forward.
You will need to connect to the server via an SSH app (f.eks Putty)
- Sign-in with the admin and password you created when deploying the server
- To do some of the commands you will need to be ROOT, but you don’t know this password, so run the following command: sudo -i
enter the password for the adm account you created - Install realm: yum install realm realmd -y
- Add to domain: realm join yourdomain.com –user youradmin@yourdomain.com
If you get error: realm: Couldn’t join realm: Necessary packages are not installed: oddjob, oddjob-mkhomedir, sssd, samba-common-tools, you need to install the missing packages.
f.eks: yum install oddjob -y
And now the machine is in the domain
Count directory Objects in Active Directory
Some times you need to find out how many directory Objects you have in your AD.
A quick way of getting this done is to use the following PowerShell string
Get-ADObject -Filter {name -like ‘*’} -SearchBase ‘CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=sameie,DC=COM’ -ResultSetSize $null | Measure-Object >c:\tmp\object_dump.txt
This will dump the information into a easy to read text file
Now you know how many Objects you have.
Get Users based on LastLogOnTimeStamp x number of days
December 16, 2019
Active Directory, Powershell, Security, Tips and Trix, Windows
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