Some times you need to find out how many directory Objects you have in your AD.
A quick way of getting this done is to use the following PowerShell string
Get-ADObject -Filter {name -like ‘*’} -SearchBase ‘CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=sameie,DC=COM’ -ResultSetSize $null | Measure-Object >c:\tmp\object_dump.txt
This will dump the information into a easy to read text file
Now you know how many Objects you have.
active directorypowershell
Count directory Objects in Active Directory
October 5, 2017
Active Directory, Powershell, Tips and Trix, Tools
No Comments
Some times you need to find out how many directory Objects you have in your AD.
A quick way of getting this done is to use the following PowerShell string
Get-ADObject -Filter {name -like ‘*’} -SearchBase ‘CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=sameie,DC=COM’ -ResultSetSize $null | Measure-Object >c:\tmp\object_dump.txt
This will dump the information into a easy to read text file
Now you know how many Objects you have.
active directorypowershell